Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25 September 2012

Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti - "Only In My Dreams"
Washed Out - "Eyes Be Closed"

The XX- "Reunion"
Alpaca Sports - "I Was Running"
Silver Swans - "Secrets"

Pictureplane - "Cyclical Cyclical (Atlantis)"
Holy Other - "Tense Past"
Wildlife Control - "Analog or Digital"

Woods - "Give Your Light Off"
Deerhunter - "Three Dolphins Melting Into Orange Wax"

Teen Daze - "Union (Featuring Frankie Rose)"
Conner Youngblood - "The Warpath"

Life at Sea - "Enemy"
Reading Rainbow - "Wasting Time"
Eternal Summers - "You Kill"

Listen to the archive HERE!


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