29 March 2011 - Goldsoundz Presents: "An Island" Free Movie Screening
There's no show tonight, but we'd just like to mention that tomorrow Goldsoundz will be screening the latest project from French filmmaker Vincent Moon of La Blogotheque fame. In August 2010, Moon and Efterklang's 8 piece-live band met up on an island off the Danish coast.
The objective was to shoot a film. A film with the same length as an album, and a film full of performances, experiments and collaborations. Over an intense period of 4 days Efterklang collaborated with more than 200 local musicians, kids, and parents, creating new performances and interpretations of songs from their album Magic Chairs (4AD, Rumraket 2010).
It was all recorded by Vincent Moon who at the same time conducted several film and musical experiments with Efterklang as his dedicated playmates.
Here's your chance to see the spectacular end product for FREE. Come experience "An Island" in surround sound and all its majestic glory!
The "An Island" movie will be shown for FREE on the Georgia Tech campus in the spacious Student Center Theater, so attendance will be open to students and non-students alike. Bring friends, bring family, but please RSVP on this website if you're "for sure" coming: http://anisland.cc/home/attend-a-screening/
There will likely be room for everyone, but to play it safe RSVP.
Goldsoundz Presents: 'An Island' Free Movie Screening
Time: Wednesday, March 30 · 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Georgia Tech Student Center Theater (1st floor, across from the Pizza Hut)
350 Ferst Drive
Atlanta, GA
Parking info: http://www.parking.gatech.edu/PublishingImages/Parking%20Map.pdf